About This Blog

This is a personal corner. These posts are entirely based on what I think & believe in. I have written many poems, shero-shayari & some short stories. I will keep posting them time-to-time, along-with the new ones.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Losing The 'Us'

Wrote this on 7th August 2004 at a Poetry Competition.

God created this world and human beings
Filled with emotions that would guide their deeds,
Established some relationships which would bind them to some rules
And their hearts were like emotion’s pool.

They used honesty against lies
Which helped them maintain their ties,
Their love erased all sorts of anger and hatred
From the world God so beautifully created;

But these emotions exist no more,
For they have vanished from the heart’s core.

The feeling of unity which bound people together
Have now evaporated from their hearts,
Only words like ‘I’ and ‘Me’ exist
These days on the people’s cards.

We stand against our friends now
Believing this would lower their self-esteem,
But unknowingly, without realizing
We are letting down our own prestige.

People, these days, have forgotten
That they are social animals,
And with their friends’ help and unity
They can stand against all odds as one.

Losing our friends, Losing the ‘US’
Does not mean we are great,
Instead we are losing ourselves,
Our inner self, under our own weight.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Rumbling Heart

Wrote in 2007.

In the dim light seeping through the window,
I see the moonlight fading away,
Making unsuccessful attempts of pushing away those thoughts
Which have lately given me a few sleepless nights.

Some rules, rumbling my heart to break them,
Some words dying to be spoken out,
The pain increasing in folds,
I still try to control,
Hoping to find the lost calmness,
Knowing not, where & how I lost them.

This sense of belonging, understanding, and purity
Was missing, About which the realization had not set in.
Now when these feelings crave to reach the heart it feels for,
Who & how am I to stop this, I do not know!!!

Do I Still Love You?

Wrote on 17th March 2008.

My eyes still shine when I see you
My heart still beats faster,
My thoughts wander around you
The wait still gets longer.

Do I still love you?
The answer seems so obvious,
I still can feel the pain
The feeling still lingers.

When I look in the mirror
I still see you in my eyes,
You touched me in a way
No one can touch me ever.

Why do I still love you?
I ask myself at times,
Then out comes the reply
I will always love you, forever and ever.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Wrote on 7th December 2006.

पलकों को झुकाए हम चल तो दिए
रास्तें मगर अनजान हैं,
थमी सी कुछ बातें हैं
पर शब्दों से हम अनजान हैं.

मुस्कुराती फिज़ा बदलती है रंग
किसी धुंए में मिल जाते हैं,
सपने दिल के दिल में ही
ना जाने क्यूँ रह जाते हैं.

ख़ुशी है ज़ज्बों में आज
नर्म कुछ एहसास हैं,
खुद में समाते हुए से आज
मेरे होठों के अलफ़ाज़ हैं.

Dil Ke Jazbaat

Wrote on 5th May 2010.

अफसाने बहुत हैं इस दिल के
सुनने बैठोगे तो रात हो जाएगी,
कलम लिखते थकते नहीं
वरना कागजों की दीवार बन जाएगी.

पल-पल में सपने बदलते हैं
पल-पल में चेहरे,
हिसाब लेना चाहोगे अगर दुखों का
तो सागर से मुलाक़ात हो जाएगी.

कहने और समझने के दरमियाँ
जो एहसास उभर कर आता है,
शब्दों में बयां करने की कोशिश की
तो ये रात ही गुज़र जाएगी.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Do Not Let Go

Lost in the realms of my mind today
I think and analyse,
What distances have I created
Between you and me?

You so much do not know me
Because I have not let you through,
There are many guards remaining
That I have not let down yet.

What am I afraid of?
What are my inhibitions here?
I would sure want you to know someday
What goes on inside here.

As of now you will have to wait
For the doors to open up,
The keys are hidden somewhere
It is your task to find out.

You shifted something, removed a layer
When you called me your best friend,
It is amazing how you did that
That was the hardest part.

So now I know it is going to be easy
But do have patience,
I might resist the interference
But just do not let go.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Wrote it on 7th September 2009.

I do not remember the last time I slept so peacefully
where, for a change, I did not see that usual dream,
which had been haunting me for ages now
And now, I feel, the curse has been broken
something pure has evolved inside me
the magic of which can do wonders.

I wanted to know, how this change happened
but there is so much of vagueness around
it is stopping me to reach my destination
acting as hindrance in my path.

Sometimes I feel, what if this change did not take place,
would I have known this feeling that I feel now?
I never experienced this, there is a strange mixture
of what, even I do not know.
There is something true in this feeling, something different
It nurtures me and helps to grow
It helps me to carry on my path
It leads me to happiness and love.